WhatsApp has over 2 billion users and is considered one of the instant messaging platforms but still the multiple platform sync function is not provided by WhatsApp. It is not possible to transfer your WhatsApp backup to your And…
Have you gotten into this problem where you lock your phone and then when you unlock it you find many WhatsApp missed called that didn’t ring? This issue could be seen in Android phone as well as in iOS devices. Now we will look …
Some of you will find it convenient if the auto-correct is kept on and some of you find it annoying. Let's see how to turn on, off or toggle auto-correct on your Android and Samsung devices. Android's auto-correct feature…
Google assistant can help you lock and unlock your phone using your voice. You don't even have to touch your phone to do it. Interesting feature isn't it? Let's take a look at this feature. Google assistant is an inte…
Do you want to type faster in your Android phone? Here are some interesting tips to follow. Some of you are keyboard experts when it comes to your laptop or computers, but does your typing skills get slow when you're typing o…